
After Ten Years in China, RE:CIPE Launches New Microcapsule Sunscreen Serum

As summer approaches, the sunlight gradually becomes scorching, and along with it, the topic of “sunscreen” begins to gain increasing attention.

Around 2010, as people’s awareness of skincare grew, they started paying more attention to sunscreen and the demand for it began to surge. Sunscreen creams entered the public eye, marking the beginning of the sunscreen 1.0 era. With the improvement of sun protection awareness, consumers’ requirements for sunscreen became higher, especially when it came to full-body application. Sunscreen sprays emerged as a convenient alternative, giving rise to the sunscreen 2.0 era.

Today, users have increasingly specific demands for sun protection, and the sunscreen market has entered the 3.0 era. According to public data, “internal repair and external protection” has become a standard feature in new sunscreen products. Additionally, sunscreens with skincare functions have attracted significant attention.

Recently, the professional sunscreen brand RE:CIPE launched a new product called Microcapsule Sunscreen serum. It utilizes 51.2 million microcapsule serum and features vacuum-sealed fresh packaging. This product provides both external sun protection and internal nourishment, achieving a texture and effectiveness comparable to serum. Applying this sunscreen is like applying an serum, offering comprehensive defense against photoaging.

It is worth mentioning that the new product has performed exceptionally well in the market. It sold out immediately upon its launch, with sales exceeding one million in the first live stream on Douyin (TikTok), demonstrating its considerable strength.

Having entered the Chinese sunscreen market for ten years, RE:CIPE pioneers the sunscreen spray category.

In recent years, driven by the awakening of sunscreen awareness among Chinese consumers, the Chinese sunscreen market has experienced rapid development and has become one of the thriving segments in the cosmetics industry. According to Euromonitor data, the scale of the Chinese sunscreen market reached 15.8 billion yuan in 2022, with a compound annual growth rate of 10% from 2008 to 2022. It is expected to maintain a compound annual growth rate of 9.6% from 2022 to 2027, showing signs of recovery and surpassing the industry’s compound growth rate of 6.5%.

RE:CIPE is a brand that has successfully tapped into the dividends of the Chinese sunscreen market and has gradually grown and expanded. Public records show that RE:CIPE was established in 1989 and is a professional sunscreen brand produced by COSMAX in South Korea. In 2013, when its sunscreen products were introduced to the Korean market, they achieved remarkable sales of nearly one million bottles within two months.

Ren Jianhua, who has been involved in international trade in the beauty industry for many years, saw the business opportunity in this. In 2014, with keen business acumen and insight into the development prospects of the Chinese sunscreen market, he decisively decided to introduce the RE:CIPE brand from South Korea to China and became the exclusive distributor in the Chinese market, serving as the General Manager for RE:CIPE Greater China.

Over the past decade, Ren Jianhua has witnessed the rapid development of the Chinese sunscreen market. He said, “Ten years ago, the sunscreen category was still a very small market in China, but with the improvement of consumer levels and market education on sunscreen products, the growth of the sunscreen category has outpaced that of skincare products.”

CHAILEEDO has learned that RE:CIPE initially entered the Chinese sunscreen market through cross-border e-commerce. At that time, the sunscreen category on platforms like Taobao mainly consisted of creams and lotions, but the popularity of RE:CIPE’s star product, Crystal Sun Spray, contributed to the emergence of the sunscreen spray sub-category on Taobao.

As a pioneer and trailblazer in the sunscreen spray field, RE:CIPE has maintained a leading position in this niche for many years. Data shows that RE:CIPE has sold over 42 million bottles of sunscreen spray (statistical period: December 2019 to December 2023).

With a comprehensive distribution strategy, RE:CIPE has achieved a series of remarkable results. In 2018, it became a member of Tmall’s billion-yuan club for sunscreen brands, and in 2020, it ranked first in terms of sunscreen product sales. In offline channels, as early as 2017, RE:CIPE began expanding its presence in supermarkets, convenience stores, and other offline channels after obtaining the registration certificate for imported special cosmetics. According to the brand, based on current terminal data, offline sales accounted for nearly half of RE:CIPE’s total sales in 2023.

Moving forward in time without stopping, CHAILEEDO has learned that in 2023, RE:CIPE began to localize its brand and products to better meet the demands of Chinese consumers, aiming to encompass the entire sunscreen market.

After a decade of deep cultivation in the Chinese sunscreen market, RE:CIPE has not only achieved success in terms of development scale and revenue performance but has also won numerous awards, including the “Asia Beauty Sunscreen Award,” “Tmall Annual Sunscreen Gold Award,” “Tmall Korean Sunscreen No.1,” “Xiaohongshu Best Affordable Sunscreen under 100 Yuan No.1,” and “JD Sunscreen Spray Bestseller No.1.” These accolades undoubtedly demonstrate RE:CIPE’s strength in the sunscreen field.

New products are selling like hotcakes, and RE:CIPE is continuously expanding its customer base

Product strength is the “source of power” for brand shaping, and RE:CIPE is constantly fine-tuning its layout for the young consumer group. They keenly observe the needs and trends in crowd segmentation and scene segmentation, continuously enrich their product range, and are committed to being a professional sunscreen brand.

According to the brand, in recent years, the RE:CIPE family has added many new members. As of now, RE:CIPE has more than 35 SKUs in the sunscreen category, including sunscreen sprays, sunscreen serums, and sunscreen primers.

CHAILEEDO has learned that all products under the RE:CIPE brand are manufactured by COSMAX, Korea’s first and one of the world’s top ten cosmetics manufacturing factories. Their international collaborations include renowned brands like Lancôme, Dior, Shiseido, and more.

For example, the latest product from RE:CIPE, the Microcapsule Sunscreen serum, is the result of 3 years of effort and 13 months of research and development by COSMAX. During the development process, the product underwent 4 major adjustments, 15 minor adjustments, and a 30-day efficacy test.

Regarding the initial intention behind the new product development, the RE:CIPE brand told CHAILEEDO, “Sunscreen is essential for skincare. Without proper sunscreen, skincare is in vain.” Sunscreen has become an important step in users’ daily skincare routines, and the demand for “skincare sunscreen products” is increasing. RE:CIPE breaks through and innovates in the formulation of sunscreen products, creating the “Microcapsule Sunscreen serum” to meet the rising consumer demand for simultaneous sunscreen and skincare.

It is reported that the Microcapsule Sunscreen serum uses Hodivecap technology to innovate in formulation and formulation type, allowing incompatible sunscreens and multi-active ingredients to come together and form millions of “microcapsules.” This achieves simultaneous sunscreen and skincare benefits. Each bottle of sunscreen serum contains 51.2 million microcapsules, enhancing the stability of sunscreens in the formulation, reducing the risk of separation and granularity during application, and providing a more water-based and smooth experience.

In terms of sunscreen effectiveness, the RE:CIPE new product incorporates 5 types of compounded sunscreens, providing broad-spectrum protection and comprehensive defense against photoaging, as well as multiple benefits such as preventing tanning, sunburn, and sun damage. Prior to the product launch, RE:CIPE conducted clinical tests, and the report showed that the Microcapsule Sunscreen serum not only achieves a high level of SPF50+ PA+++ protection but also provides moisturizing, anti-wrinkle, soothing, firming, and oil-control effects, meeting the increasing demand for specialized sunscreen products.

Moreover, the Microcapsule Sunscreen serum truly combines “external protection and internal nourishment.” According to the brand, the new product incorporates 5 essential vitamins, including niacinamide, retinol, panthenol, vitamin C, and vitamin E, as well as 7 plant extracts, to achieve both sunscreen and skincare benefits, offering multi-dimensional nourishment and moisturization to the skin.

Additionally, the new product adopts vacuum-sealed packaging, where the core shrinks gradually with use, effectively isolating oxidative factors and avoiding interference from light and air after opening. This further ensures the activity of the serum ingredients.

Furthermore, clinical tests have confirmed that the RE:CIPE Microcapsule Sunscreen serum has passed the adverse reaction test rating, and during real-life trials, none of the participants experienced lactic acid stinging. This indicates that the product is gentle (non-irritating) and suitable for sensitive skin.

The market performance of the new product also reflects the success of RE:CIPE’s product strategy. Data shows that the Microcapsule Sunscreen serum sold out immediately upon launch, with sales exceeding one million yuan during the first livestream event.

Not only has the new product made a strong debut online, but offline channels are also preparing for the Microcapsule Sunscreen serum. Unlike other products that adopt a unified pricing strategy across channels during their launch, this new product is presented to consumers in more affordable combo sets, providing a more intuitive experience. The combo sets come in three different sizes: 40g, 15g, and 5g, catering to different usage needs in various scenarios, whether it’s for shared family use, outdoor carry, or sharing with friends.

To better fulfill the brand’s goal of “sunscreen for everyone,” RE:CIPE has focused on catering to the sunscreen needs of the middle-to-high-end consumer group. They have crafted individual products from various aspects such as raw materials, craftsmanship, design image, and marketing promotion. Their aim is to make the Microcapsule Sunscreen serum the next hit after the Crystal Sunscreen Spray.

In addition to developing new products, RE:CIPE has also expanded intoother categories such as skincare and makeup. They have introduced a range of skincare products including cleansers, toners, serums, moisturizers, and masks, all formulated with high-quality ingredients to address specific skin concerns.

RE:CIPE has also launched a makeup line that includes foundations, concealers, blushes, eyeshadows, and lip products. Their makeup products are known for their long-lasting formulas, vibrant colors, and skin-friendly ingredients.

To promote their products, RE:CIPE has collaborated with popular influencers and celebrities, organizing events and campaigns to create buzz and attract attention. They have also focused on digital marketing, leveraging social media platforms and e-commerce channels to reach a wider audience.

In terms of sustainability, RE:CIPE is committed to minimizing its environmental impact. They have implemented eco-friendly packaging materials and practices, and they prioritize the use of natural and organic ingredients in their formulations. The brand is actively involved in initiatives related to recycling and reducing plastic waste.

Overall, RE:CIPE continues to innovate and expand its product range to meet the evolving needs and preferences of consumers. With a strong emphasis on sunscreen and skincare, they aim to provide effective and reliable products that promote healthy and beautiful skin.

RE:CIPE Crackdown on Counterfeit Goods and Price Gouging

If product innovation is the key to RE:CIPE’s success in a fiercely competitive market, then marketing and a series of market actions are the strong driving forces behind RE:CIPE’s rapid development.

For RE:CIPE, brand marketing has always had irreplaceable value. For example, in 2021, RE:CIPE announced Lu Han as the global spokesperson for RE:CIPE sunscreen. Through this announcement, RE:CIPE achieved both brand recognition and increased sales. Additionally, RE:CIPE has enhanced its brand visibility through sponsorship and product placement in variety shows.

In recent years, RE:CIPE has also focused on building brand awareness by partnering with celebrities such as Peng Xiaoran, Cecilia Cheung, Zhang Yuxi, and Angela Zhang. They have shared their experiences using RE:CIPE products through livestreams, short videos, and other formats to generate interest among users.

Entering 2024, RE:CIPE continues to deepen its brand concept of “professional sun protection, fearless aging” and is committed to creating a goal for its sun protection spray: “anytime, anywhere, quick sun protection,” bringing convenience to more consumers.

At the same time, in response to some misconceptions about sun protection sprays in the current market, RE:CIPE aims to address consumers’ questions and promote proper usage. On March 20th, RE:CIPE, in collaboration with Meili Xiuxing, organized a user testing activity for sun protection sprays, inviting Jin, the director of Cosmax, dermatologist Yao Xiaoqian, and consumer representatives to discuss topics such as “Do you use sun protection sprays?”

In early April, RE:CIPE partnered with Tmall to launch a sun protection category event, successfully reaching a wider consumer base and breaking through demographic boundaries. Additionally, on April 19th, the jointly written “Insights into the Sun Protection Spray Market” by RE:CIPE and Meili Xiuxing was released, further exploring new trends in the development of the sun protection spray market.

With strong endorsements, RE:CIPE has also collaborated with TikTok influencers such as “Bu Congming and Dayan Mei” and “Korean Pear” to visit the Cosmax factory, gaining an in-depth understanding of the research and development of all RE:CIPE brand products and witnessing the confidence and strength of RE:CIPE in professional sun protection.

As is well known, the higher the brand’s popularity and popularity, the higher the frequency of counterfeiting and price gouging. In recent years, as market competition intensifies, some unscrupulous merchants have resorted to improper competitive tactics such as price manipulation and malicious price reductions, disrupting RE:CIPE’s product pricing. Additionally, the appearance of many counterfeit and inferior RE:CIPE products on the market has severely harmed consumer rights.

Regarding this, CHAILEEDO, the brand representative of RE:CIPE, stated, “Price control and cracking down on counterfeits are also two main objectives at this stage.” Regarding price control, CHAILEEDO has learned that RE:CIPE has established a brand pricing system and will strengthen monitoring of market prices. They can promptly identify price anomalies and take effective measures to intervene, manage channels while respecting market rules, empower channel development, and provide consumers with better quality services.

In terms of cracking down on counterfeits, according to the brand, RE:CIPE has established a brand inspection department for daily market inspections and has simultaneously entrusted professional anti-counterfeiting companies to conduct in-depth investigations. Once verified, they will actively use legal means to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and partners. Additionally, RE:CIPE will collaborate with relevant departments to carry out “authenticity verification and cracking down on counterfeits, safeguarding rights” actions and regularly disclose information on counterfeit activities.

Having entered the Chinese market for 10 years, it is evident that RE:CIPE has been taking steady steps and gaining market recognition and consumer praise through high-quality products. With strong product strength, marketing power, and brand power, RE:CIPE will continue to innovate, weather cycles, and achieve even greater development.


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